Who we are

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Who we are


 demirkan güner

   yavuz güner

 Demirkan Güner is the 2nd generation representative of Güner Makine, and was born in Bursa in 1984. He graduated from  High School in 2002. Working  within the family company since years of study, he experienced about  the job at the workshop.

 Following high school, he too chose to walk the path of engineering, and just like Yavuz Güner, he preferred the Dokuz Eylül University Mechanical Engineering Department. Graduating in 2008, he travelled to UK for his language education, returning to Turkey afterwards.

 He worked in a leading machinery production company in Bursa for approximately a year. He then moved to the family company Güner Makine in 2011, and is working there since.

 It’s not only the education and the preferred university he has in common with Yavuz Güner: he also carries forth the quality-focused business approach of Güner Makine and strives for perfection with the same motivation and responsibility. Just like Yavuz Güner, he aims to become a trustworthy friend in trade for his customers, rather than being content with becoming an ordinary supplier.


The founder of Güner Makine. Born in Eskişehir in 1938, he graduated from Eskişehir Institute of Arts Engine Department in 1955, and worked in TÜGSAŞ factories for 9 years.

Güner developed his basic industrial technical know-how in TÜGSAŞ, which is one of the most distinguished establishments of Turkey. But his occupational passion did not let him be content with that much alone: with the scholarship offered by TÜGSAŞ, he entered the Dokuz Eylül University, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, starting a new path where he learnt the finer details of engineering side of the work.

In 1969, he graduated from the engineering faculty and returned to TÜGSAŞ with his new skillset. He continued his work in the establishment as “auxiliary facilities lead-engineer”. During this period, he was tasked with maintenance of synthesis gas piston compressors of up to 300 bars of pressure.

In 1992, Yavuz Güner retired from TÜGSAŞ Gemlik Fertilizer Industrial Factory, and decided offer his accumulated experience to service of the country by starting up his own company.

This is how Güner Makine was born.

Güner Makine then adopted Yavuz Güner’s approach of conducting business in the highest standard available by technique and technology. The rewards of this approach were reaped when the company became rooted in its sector and earned the respect of countless other companies.




